Sunday, 13 February 2011

Revolusi rakyat, bukan revolusi bunga!

[Tulisan ini di dalam BI kerana ia ditulis untuk satu laman rencana di dalam BI - tetapi dikongsi di sini :-)]

The turn of events lately has been very inspiring to some and cataclysmic for others. Of course, for the negligent and ignorant, things are of no significant, no matter how great is the turmoil. The recent tides of mass-based revolutions or changes in the middle-east are akin to the shift in tectonic plate in the social and political sense of things. Tyrants and dictators have been dethroned by the simple act of mass refusal to tow the injustice and cruelty. Once the chain and threat of fear are broken, the mass mood of socio-political re-moulding is inevitable. No longer can the autocratic regime around the world utilise the fear and instability cards to mellow down the revolution fever. Once trigged, unassumingly, in Tunisia’s city of Sid Bouzid, especially, by the efforts of the burgeoning younger generations, a new chapter in mass-based revolution has opened up, even in some place once known to be the example of stability and prosperity. The time has come for the middle-east countries to exemplify the meaning of true democracy. The Tunisian people movement has finally managed to expedite the removal of the autocratic Ben Ali regime. And, this event has catalysed the dormant feeling of dissatisfaction among the majority of the neighbouring citizens. The Tunisian revolution has now become a significant tipping point to the masses in the Middle East.

The recent days has seen the removal of yet another regime, i.e. Husni Mubarak of Egypt. The extended mass demonstration of the pro-democracy movement, centred in Medan Tahrir or liberation square, has finally galvanised the nation, and hence the resignation of Husni Mubarak. Although, notwithstanding the terrible deaths and harsh clamp-down by the regime suffered by the demonstrators. The world has even seen, in live telecast, the use of horses and camels to break the siege of the Tahrir Square. This method really signified the desperation of the regime in figuring ways to address the mass revolt at hand. This people uprising are significant as Egypt has always been seen as the prime example of stability and autocratic control, as least for the last three decades. Of course, the welfare of the people has been battered off with the so-called “stability” narrative. The Western allies have always relied on Husni Mubarak for the delivery of the order that they wanted in the Middle East. And, the unexpected uprising has caught them off-guard. The seemingly overly cautious and non-committal comments by the US administration indicates the uncertainty in their analysis of the change of events. The widely supported revolt is a culmination of extended years of unfair and inequalities, exerted by the autocratic rules. The large proportion of young people has mobilised and wholeheartedly backed the uprising, and the end results are just waiting to happen. Change has always comes from the youth movement. If we look into history, major changes in the world have always been carried by the younger generations. Change is inevitable.

The removal of the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt certainly is unsettling to the other countries near and far away. During the period prior to the resignation of Husni Mubarak, some countries even blanketed any news about the uprising. The unsettled atmosphere can be felt as signs of similar uprising started in major cities neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt. Authorities are taking no chances on any demonstration or similar public airing of grievances. If changes can happen in Tunisia and Egypt, more so it can happen in their respected countries. Some regimes have even taken preliminary measured to ensure their own citizens that they will change certain rules and approaches, even though their people has yet to show their mantle like the Tunisian and Egyptian youths. This is the collateral benefits of the mass uprising in both countries. More and more leaders have come to the realisation that the masses can no longer be coerced to obey or to be put under unfair circumstances. The existing leaders and regimes must make real change, if not, get ready to be changed. The era globalisation and advance social networking no longer grant the opportunity for corrupt leaders and autocratic regime to wield their seemingly unchallenged political power. The masses have now become the real guardian of the nation. No longer do we allow strength and power to be used to quell the rights of the masses. Ben Ali and Husni Mubarak have certainly learned their lessons; no matter how humiliating were the circumstances.

The revolution in Tunisia and Egypt is the people revolution, not flower revolution. The people have finally decided enough is enough. No longer will they bear the injustices and cruel governments of the day. The new government or regime must take note the implication of both revolutions. It was the people who have enabled the change. Serve the people and you will be treated well. The lessons of the modern-day Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions are now etched into the annals of history. This is a new beginning and opportunity for a renewed spirit of nationhood and progress. All of us should take the lessons and moral of the push for these changes. And, this is also what was said by the celebrated US President, Abraham Lincoln:

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world”

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